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ENGAGE: Nonprofit Email Marketing

Finally, a proven step-by-step system that will turn your nonprofit email marketing into a year-round, automated fundraising machine

ENGAGE Nonprofit Email Marketing

The ENGAGE: Nonprofit Email Marketing program is a proven, complete system designed to take you by the hand and teach you, step-by-step, how to create an automated email marketing system that expands your community of support, increases donor retention, and generates donations year-round.

No ambiguity. No confusion. Literally step-by-step, nothing is left out.

Get Access Now!

ENGAGE: Nonprofit Email Marketing Includes
Instant Access To:

As soon as you purchase this program you get instant access (via username and password) to the complete ENGAGE: Nonprofit Email Marketing program.

This means Lifetime Access and the ability to login 24/7. It is all digital with some helpful downloads that you can access anywhere you have internet access.

You will receive:

  • The ENGAGE: Nonprofit Email Marketing course: 9 step-by-step Lessons, each includes a downloadable highlights worksheet
  • Bonus #1: Access to a private LinkedIn Group where you can get feedback and support from myself and everyone else who is participating in the course.
  • Bonus #2: Unlimited access to my email inbox: email me anytime you have a question about the program and I’ll personally respond.
  • Bonus #3: My 5-Message Nonprofit Email Welcome Series Formula

All of this comes with two guarantees:

  • The 30-day test drive
  • The NO FAIL guarantee

ENGAGE: Nonprofit Email Marketing Lesson Breakdown:

Lesson 1: The ENGAGE Philosophy

Understand the primary goal of nonprofit email marketing and why it is probably NOT what you think it should be.

Lesson 2: Identifying Your Audience

Learn how to identify your audience so you know who you are writing email to.

Lesson 3: Understanding Your Audience

Now that you know your audience it is time to deep-dive into what makes them tick and how to speak directly to them.

Lesson 4: Defining Engaging Content

Discover what makes email content engaging

Lesson 5: Finding Great Stories

Everyone knows that stories are important, but how do you find them and exactly what are you looking for?

Lesson 6: Telling Great Stories

Discover the innovative approach I use to tell great stories that will increase open rates, click-through rates, and donations.

Lesson 7: Mapping the Donor Journey

Unlocking the roadmap you will use to determine your entire email marketing strategy

Lesson 8: Automation & Segmentation

Learn why you need to automate your email marketing and exactly how to segment your list to maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing.

Lesson 9: Email Marketing Tips

Additional email marketing tips to make sure you are getting the most out of this new system.

Limited Time Bonuses:

Bonus #1: Access to my private ENGAGE LinENGAGE Nonprofit Email MarketingkedIn Group

You will get exclusive access to the Empower Nonprofits ENGAGE forum. Here you can get feedback and support from myself and everyone else who is participating in the course.

Bonus #2: Unlimited access to my email inbox:

You can email me anytime you have a question about the program and I’ll personally respond.

Bonus #3: My 5-Message Welcome Series Formula

This is the exact formula I use to create my email welcome series autoresponder for all of my nonprofit clients. This alone is worth the price of admission for this program.

Who is ENGAGE: Nonprofit Email Marketing NOT for?

Look, I’ll be honest. This course isn’t for everyone.

Here is the most obvious sign this course is not for you:

You are not interested in improving your nonprofit email marketing. You are happy with your current efforts and you are not interested in changing anything about what you are currently doing with your email campaigns.

If that is you, congratulations. That is great news and I’m truly happy for you.

But, even if that is not you, there are still a few more reasons why this might not be the right fit.

This is NOT for you if you are looking for an “easy button” or a “shortcut” that will magically make donations fall into your inbox. That doesn’t exist.

You have to be willing to do the work.

This is NOT for you if you need a task master to keep you accountable. You have to be able to work independently, and with drive, a sense of urgency.

I won’t be sitting there next to you making sure you do the work. You have to have enough internal motivation to do the work, even when no one is watching.

And lastly, this is NOT for you if you are not open to trying a new approach to email marketing.  I guarantee you’ve never seen anything like this and it works like gangbusters, but some people are not comfortable trying new things.

If you are in one of these categories, you can stop reading right now. This program is not for you.

But maybe you’re different.

Maybe you are an action taker, someone who is determined to turn things around with email marketing and is willing to put in the work required to do it right.

Maybe you have the intrinsic motivation necessary to make sure progress is being made and you can hold yourself accountable.

And maybe you are exciting about the idea of trying an entirely new approach to nonprofit email marketing.

After all, if you want a different result you have to do things differently.

If you’re still with me then let’s keep rolling…

Who is ENGAGE: Nonprofit Email Marketing for?

This program is for you if you are interested in improving the return on investment you achieve with your current nonprofit email marketing efforts.

Even if your nonprofit doesn’t use email at all right now this system is STILL for you. You just need to WANT to start implementing a massively effective email marketing system.

You do not need to have any experience with email marketing.

This course will walk you through everything you need to know and do. In fact, some of my best students have been complete newbies with zero experience.

As long as you want an effective email marketing system this course is for you.

How Much Does It Cost?

Not as much as it should.ENGAGE Nonprofit Email Marketing

Because listen:

Nothing is more costly to your nonprofit than continuing to leave money on the table.

I am pretty sure your current email marketing efforts are leaving thousands of dollars on the table…EVERY MONTH.

I’m not kidding.

Now, you might be able to improve your email marketing on your own.  You could try to dive into blog posts, sign up for webinars, and buy every nonprofit marketing book you can find…

but all that will take tons of time and tons of money anyway.

Why take the long road when the answer is sitting right here?

Plus, while you are working it all out on your own, your nonprofit is still leaving money on the table.

If you do not currently have an automated email marketing system that brings in donations year round, then you could be leaving $5-10,000 on the table each month.

Would your nonprofit benefit from an additional $5,000 per month?

One organization I worked with was able to raise $20,000 in the first two weeks of their initial campaign. Now, this is not a typical result, but the point is they had no idea that much money was just waiting for them until they followed my training.

So, how much do you think this program is worth to your nonprofit?

Would you pay me $5,000 once if it meant your nonprofit would make an additional $5,000 EVERY month from my email marketing program?

Well, maybe I should consider that, but for now, the price isn’t even 10% of that.

Today, you can get lifetime access to my ENGAGE: Nonprofit Email Marketing course for…


Ok, wait a second.

This product is normally priced at $500, but I’ve got a special deal just for customers of my Quality List Building training.

Therefore, you are getting access to this course, plus all of the bonuses, and the two guarantees for only $349.

A no-brainer, right?

Get Access Now!$349

But just in case you’re still not sure, let me make this completely risk free for you…

My Two Guarantees:

By the time you complete this course, you will understand exactly what you need to do and you’ll have your first autoresponder campaign running. You will be well on your way to revolutionizing your nonprofit email marketing.

But, just in case you are not sure if this is right for you, I am offering two guarantees that make this a no-risk opportunity for you.

Here we go…

The 30-day test drive

I’ll let you have a 30-day test drive. If, after 30 days, you think you’ve made a mistake and you do not see the potential for this new approach to nonprofit email marketing then just let me know and I’ll refund your money, no questions asked.

But I sure hope you don’t do that because I also have a NO-FAIL guarantee.

The NO-FAIL guarantee

This means that if after 90 days you’ve completed the course and you have your first automated campaign up and running but you are not seeing better results than you had with your previous approach to email marketing, I will get on the phone with you to figure out what is going on. I’ll personally look through your campaign and figure out what we need to do to make sure the automated system works as promised. You will get two FREE coaching sessions to make sure this system works for you.

There is no way you lose.

You get a 30-day test drive and a no-fail guarantee.

Ready to get started?

Get Access Now!$349

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If you have any questions about this opportunity you can contact me anytime.
Just send me an email: Contact Me